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All About The
Mobile Website

It makes discovery easy for potential users, while maintaining the brand style for long-time fans.

Project Summary


UX/UI Designer, UX Researcher, Marketing


March 2024 - Ongoing

Project Goal

The Sites USA website was in need of an update to match the current version of REGIS Online's style.


The goal of this project was to re-prioritize and simplify the navigation for the website, enhance SEO opportunities and match the current version of REGIS Online to the website.


Sites USA is a small software company of 25 in Chandler, AZ offering GIS and demographic software to commercial real estate professionals. The software, REGIS online, has a total of 10 tools, and even more features all in one place.


As the only UX designer and researcher, I completed the following for the Mobile Website:

  • Conducted research with 20+ active users, determining wants, needs, and ideas for REGIS Online.

  • Analyzed findings from research calls, card sort data, and mapping to begin design process.​


  • Designed low-fidelity wireframes and high-fidelity templates and copy examples for Marketing.

  • Communicated key features to marketing; Delivered style guides and samples to web designers.

Meet the New Mobile Site




After conducting research with over 20 users, I was able to determine two different user types for REGIS Online. For the website, the user type we considered the most was our Map-Maker Maggie persona. 


This user type works in marketing for a commercial real estate office, making marketing materials such as brochures and packets. They typically have quick turnaround timelines for projects, are very knowledgeable about different design software, and are very knowledgeable about their home market.


Screenshot 2024-12-15 at 6.57.43 PM.png

For this project, I conducted internal research through a card sort and similarity matrix. I was able to determine which tools, features, and other SEO industry-related keywords were closely related to each other.


Once the card sort was completed, I could then take the results and map out which items are "tools" and which are "features", which would further inform how to differentiate those items in the navigation of the website.


Web 1920 – 1.png

For the initial structure, we wanted to add more options to the navigation bar, and organize by product and data.

Web 1920 – 2.png
Web 1920 – 3.png

For the early design process, I took most of the data from the earlier research and used that to determine the solution that best fit the research. We could then refine the structure to fit what we knew about our main user type - the Map-Maker Maggie - and put their "big ticket items" front and center.


iPhone 14 Pro Max – 1.png
iPhone 14 Pro Max – 2.png
iPhone 14 Pro Max – 3.png

For the final structure, we chose to really lean into the structure and spread it across the entire width for both large and small screens. I also chose to use the brand's icons to tie back to REGIS Online, since this is also a design choice in the product. 


The placement and order of each section is also important, because each item has been placed in order to make the search for top features a bit easier. By combining the icon and the prioritization, this will help achieve better search results for potential buyers of REGIS Online. 

Main Page Sample, with copy

REGIS Online.png

Tool Page Sample, with copy

Tool Page – Merchants.png

The newest version of the website is currently under production by the marketing team, and will be available spring of 2025. 


Incoming leads will be measured to determine the effectiveness of the new version navigation, messagins, brand voice, and style for potential users.​

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